Bumbu Bali / Base Gede / Base Genep ( The Balinese Spice Base )
(or 2 tbs. Galangal powder)
(or 1 tbs. Lesser galangal powder)
(or 1 tbs. Turmeric powder)
(or ½ tbs. Ginger powder)
Or 1 red pepper
(*or 1 tbsp. Fish sauce, mushroom sauce, oyster sauce)
(or 1 bay leave / laurière / laubere)
(or vegetable oil, granola, sunflower, palm oil)
(or ½ tbsp. Powder *do not use the fresh coriander,
as it has a very strong smell and taste)
Or ¼ tsp. Cloves powder
Additional Note:
Sayur Urab (Mix Vegetables), Sweet Sour Tempe (Portion for 2), Bali Sate Lilit (Satay), Opor Ayam/ Balinese Chicken Curry (Portion for 2), Tuna with Sambal Matah (Portion for 2)...
Gado – Gado (Portion for 2), Sweet Sour Tempe (Portion for 2), Opor Tempe Tahu/ Balinese Tempe Tofu Curry (Portion for 2), Pepes (mushroom / tofu / veggie) (6 – 8 pcs)...
Sambal Mbe Goreng (Fried Shallot Sauce), Sate Lilit Ayam (Satay) (6 pcs), Sate Serapah Ayam (Chicken Satay with liver sauce), Tum Ayam (Balinese Chicken Dumplings)(6 pcs)...
Berkedel (6 – 8 pcs), Pisang Goreng (20 pcs), Biu Lalung (boiled banana coated flour, 20 pcs), Dadar Gulung (Balinese crepes fill with coconut and palm sugar, 6 pcs)...
Sambal Matah (Raw sauce sambal / salsa), Sambal Ulek (Balinese Sambal Paste), Sambal Mbe Goreng (Fried Shallot Sauce)...